DysCrete is an in-no-va-tive ap-proach to the gen-er-a-tion of en-er-gy, based on the same un-der-ly-ing prin-ci-ples as dye-sen-si-tized so-lar cells (DYSC), from which it gains its name. Like other cells based on DYSC tech-nol-o-gy, DysCrete us-es or-gan-ic dyes to ab-sorb light and pro-duce elec-tric-i-ty through elec-tro-chem-i-cal re-ac-tions. Anal-y-sis of this still nov-el pro-cess re-veals a high de-gree of com-pat-i-bil-i-ty be-tween DYSC tech-nol-o-gy and the chem-istry and physics of con-crete, in-clud-ing its ma-te-rial log-ic and pro-duc-tion meth-ods. DYSC cells are mod-eled on na-ture. Much like chloro-phyll-bear-ing plants, they ab-sorb light not with semi-con-duc-tor ma-te-rials, but with or-gan-ic dyes held in sus-pen-sion. In this sense, the tech-nol-o-gy is an adap-ta-tion of the pho-to-syn-thet-ic pro-cess.