Genoa, Italy, 29-30 June 2016
approaching the puddle (Sebastian Gimmel, Germany 2014, 8’ 33’’)
The Area (Ríonach Ní Néill e Joe Lee, Ireland 2014,24’ 42’’)
Beware of Time (Cyntia Botello, Sweden 2015, 1’ 20’’)
The Birch Grove (Gabrielle Lansner, USA 2015, 20’ 10’’)
Disruptions (Felipe Frozza and Ulrike Fl?mig, Germany 2015, 4’ 55’’)
How are you today (Chiu Chih-Hua, Hong Kong 2015, 3’ 39’’)
Kid Birds for Camera (David Daurier e Eric Minh Cuong Castaing, France 2015, 11’ 16’’)
Lay Me Low (Marlene Millar, Canada 2015, 7’ 50’’)
Let’s Say (Fuk Pak Jim, Hong Kong 2014, 8’)
Marine Girls (Megan Wright, USA 2015, 2’)
L’odore delle ossa (KR?K_collettivo onomatopeico, Italy 2015, 1’ 15’’)
She/Her (Sonja Wyss, Olanda 2015, 11’ 04’’)
Tango Brasileiro (Gabriela Alcofra and Billy Cowie, UK/Brazil 2014, 3')
Vecinas (Natalia Sardi, Belgium 2015, 11' 17'')
STORIES WE DANCE is part of FUORIFORMATO, in collaboration with Teatro Akropolis, Rete danzacontempoligure, Assessorato alla cultura del Comune di Genova, Genova Palazzo Ducale Fondazione per la Cultura, DEOS - Danse Ensemble Opera Studio.
Music credits: Kai_Engel, "The Moments of Our Mornings".